Tag: prayer

  • A Thanksgiving Prayer for Your Loved Ones (Free Printable)

    A Thanksgiving Prayer for Your Loved Ones (Free Printable)

    Happy Thanksgiving, Friends! I am sharing a Thanksgiving prayer for your loved ones. Let someone know you are thinking of them and praying for them this Thanksgiving season! You can download a free printable of this prayer right here! Have a great day, and may you strive toward a deeper faith and a wider witness today!…

  • Miles of Blessings

    Miles of Blessings

    When my alarm sounded that May morning, I strongly considered rolling over and going back to sleep. A quick check of the weather app on my phone confirmed that I, along with a few thousand other participants, would be competing in our respective races in the rain coupled with a brisk temperature that I usually…

  • Monday Morning Prayer

    Monday Morning Prayer

    Dear Lord, it’s a new day and a new week, and I look to You to be Lord over all of it. I thank You for being not only able, but also willing to supply the strength, courage, and wisdom I need for new challenges. You promise to be beside me, and You are also…

  • Prayers For Your Husband (Based on Ephesians 2)

    Prayers For Your Husband (Based on Ephesians 2)

    Earlier this month, I shared some prayers for husbands (or wives!) from Ephesians 1, Click here for the link, and now I would like to share some based on Ephesians 2. Prayers for Your Husband Ephesians 2 (In May and June, I shared some prayers from the book of James, chapter 1. Here are the links for…

  • Prayers for Your Husband                    (based on Ephesians 1)

    Prayers for Your Husband (based on Ephesians 1)

    Marriage can be full of ups, downs, twists, and turns. But it is a team effort (husband, wife, and Jesus!) and nothing can match how rewarding a marriage relationship is. Praying with and for your spouse can make a powerful difference. Personally, I would describe it as a gamechanger for my husband and me. In…

  • I Trust You, But…

    I Trust You, But…

    There is a specific prayer I’ve been consistently lifting to God for the last year. Sometimes, I ask Him to give me just a tiny glimpse of a sign that He is hearing my prayer and working in this situation. Sometimes I feel renewed in my belief that the answer is on its way. Sometimes…

  • That One Hurt, Lord

    That One Hurt, Lord

    That one hurt, Lord. It came from nowhere and it felt like how I imagine a punch in my gut would feel. What in the world was she talking about? Where in the world did she invent that story and the details that kept perpetuating it in her mind? Why in the world would she…

  • A Different Miracle

    A Different Miracle

    “A Different Miracle,” is a song I wrote in honor of my niece, Rachel, and her family. Rachel, her husband, Shawn, and their three beautiful daughters live in Kansas. Amelia is 4, Laurel will be 3 in July, and Caroline is one-and-a-half. To say that their household is busy is an understatement. To say it is…

  • Prayers (#3 of 3) For Your Husband

    This is the third post in a series of three printable prayers for spouses! I firmly believe praying for our spouse is one of the most important things we can do to strengthen our marriage. I want to encourage you to begin or continue (whichever the case may be) taking time each day to pray…

  • Prayers (#2 of 3) for Your Husband

    (This is the second post in a series of three printable prayers for spouses. Be watching in a few more days for the third post!) I would venture to say that praying for our spouse is one of the most important things we can do to strengthen our marriage. I want to encourage you to…