Intricately Woven Together; Immeasurably Loved

It doesn’t matter what people say about you. Why? Because you are intricately woven together and immeasurably loved by Your Heavenly Father. You are chosen, redeemed, forgiven, set free, and a friend of Jesus. All are words straight from our God-inspired Bible, and therefore straight from the heart of God!

Fighting against hurtful words can wear us down. Possibly it is easier to accept or even believe the insults than to expend energy trying to convince others that they are wrong about us. Sometimes the cutting remarks end up being adopted as part of our own inner dialogue.

Click here to hear a song I wrote, Daughter of the King… It is about this very issue…believing what others say about us rather than what God says about us.

Again, it does not matter what others say about us –  we are His masterpiece! (Ephesians 2:10)

Friends, let’s remember these truths as we make comments about others. Should what people say matter to others? No, because of the same reasons as stated above. But, let’s not allow our words to be a reason that someone questions their worth. Let’s not be a reason that seeds of doubt about their value as a person get planted in someone’s mind that we have carelessly made a remark about. The person that is getting dragged down by our critical words is loved the same as us! We are all loved by Jesus with a love beyond our comprehension.

Let’s think, or better yet, pray, before we allow others’ words to impact us or drown out what God says about us. AND let’s think, or better yet, pray, before we say anything (or post anything) that could cause someone to question their true identity in Christ. Let our prayer be for God to help us to see ourselves AND others the way He does!




5 responses to “Intricately Woven Together; Immeasurably Loved”

  1. […] via Intricately Woven Together; Immeasurably Loved — […]

  2. Such a good reminder that no matter what people say or think about us, no matter how many followers or friends we have, our worth is never less than what our Creator says it is. Likewise, no matter how much we might not like a person, their value is the same in Christ too.

    1. Thank you for your comment, Melanie. Amen, “our worth is never less than what our Creator says it is.” God bless!

  3. Sarah Althouse Avatar
    Sarah Althouse

    I love this! It’s about not letting others define our worth with our words, but also being careful how we talk about others knowing they are also His daughters!

    1. Exactly, Sarah! Thanks so much for stopping by and for your encouragement!

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