
I was once asked if I thought it might be seen as arrogant to say that I know I’m going to heaven when I die. You know the statements we sometimes make about being excited to see God face-to-face or to see the beauty of heaven? I’ve made those remarks before. I even wrote a song about heaven in which the final phrase of each verse says, “When I see my Jesus, I will run to Him.” To say that I’m excited about seeing Jesus and spending eternity with Him is an understatement!

So…to be challenged by the question, “Do you think it sounds arrogant to say you know you’re going to heaven?” made me think. I mean, really, really think. Gosh, I do know this: me and arrogance don’t often occur in the same sentence, because I’ve had an inferiority complex for many years of my life! Wait…I don’t mean to brag about my humility. 😉

But, back to the ‘arrogance’ of being secure in my ultimate destination. I’m not saying that I DESERVE to go to heaven. I could give you a list of sins that I have dealt with throughout my life, and you’d know I haven’t earned any heavenly crowns. However, that list of sins? I’ve been forgiven of every single one of them. And next time I sin, I’ll be forgiven again. So, no, I’m certainly not saying I SHOULD be in heaven. I’m simply saying I know I’m going because God promised heaven to all that repent, accept what He did on the cross, and surrender their lives to Him… and my God is a God of kept promises.

When I consciously gave my heart and life to Jesus and made a decision to strive to live for Him, He said, “Awesome! I’ve been waiting for you to realize you can’t do this on your own! I have plans for you that I’ve had since before you were formed in your mother’s womb! I can’t wait for you to spend eternity in Heaven. You know there’s a room prepared for you, right? Now let’s get to the business of fulfilling your purpose on earth, so that others can see me through your words and actions.” Ok, maybe not exactly those words, but…maybe something along those lines?!

My assurance that Heaven is going to be my home someday is all about Him, and very little about me. It’s nothing about my accomplishments or performance here on earth. (Thank God!) It’s about what His Word says. Romans 10:9 says, “For if you tell others with your own mouth that Jesus Christ is your Lord and believe in your own heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” (TLB)

Arrogant? Nope. Just completely confident in a God that comes through on absolutely everything He says.


2 responses to “Arrogant?”

  1. savannah Avatar

    Love this….God definitely gave you the gift of ministering… it word, action or just plain clever enthusiasm. That little light of yours sure shines bright! I needed this inspiring little ‘blog blip’ tonight! Thanks!

    1. Lovely comment from a lovely lady. Thank you, Savannah!

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